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Claassen Updates

Treats and Taxes

Halloween is a big event in many households across Canada. Families spend countless hours wading through mud-filled fields in search of the perfect carving pumpkin, putting up spooktacular decorations and finding just the right costumes. At the end of this fun-filled Halloween season your reward is heaps of delicious treats to enjoy.


If you are like us and always on the lookout for fun opportunities to teach financial literacy, Halloween is not to be missed. Counting, categorizing, and splitting candy fairly has always been part of the fun and a great inadvertent learning opportunity. But as kids get older the idea of splitting candy with parents becomes less appealing. This presents itself as another great chance to introduce the concept of the “Candy Tax”. Parents will get a few treats for their efforts and their kids will begin to understand the concept of tax in a way that is relatable.  


For further details please visit: Candy Tax  and Taxes on Treats

Eric Claassen